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This tea blend recipe is full of calming, stress-relieving herbs to help you sail through your day with joy, ease and grace!

With a blend of Damiana, Tulsi, Passionflower, Chamomile & Rose Petals, this tea blend is formulated to help you stay calm, centered and joyful no matter what life throws at you.

Damiana is one of our all-time favourite herbs for uplifting mood, reducing stress and increasing joy! Its great to drink throughout the day, as it’s not too sedating.

Tulsi is an adaptogenic Ayurvedic herb that helps reduce stress and promotes focussed, clear and calm energy. It’s also used to prevent colds and flus and as a brain tonic herb.

Chamomile is a tried and true calmative that shouldn’t be underestimated! It helps settle the nerves and the stomach, and adds a delicious sweet, floral and earthy note.

Passionflower is an excellent nervine relaxant that is one of our favourites. It appears to boost the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in your brain, which lowers brain activity and may help you relax and sleep better.

Rose Petals are a delicious and beautiful addition to any tea blend. They are mood-boosting, aphrodisiac and stress-reducing. Just looking at them might make your smile a bit bigger! Their beautiful scent has an immediate effect on mood, promoting a positive, calm and heart opening state.



2 heaped Tablespoons Damiana

2 heaped Tablespoons Tulsi

1 heaped Tablespoon Chamomile

1 heaped Tablespoon Passionflower

1 heaped Tablespoon Rose Petals



Add all herbs to a mixing bowl, and stir well until fully blended. Transfer to a clean dry jar. Label your blend, and store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Use 1-2 tsp per cup, steep covered 5-10 minutes. Strain and sweeten if desired.

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